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Schedule & Prices

ScHeduLe & PriCes


Plakat Besa 2014 WEB 

 BESA Theatre camp reserves the right to change the program.


  Price per person Condition
Basic prices    
1 workshop 170 € 7 days
2 workshops 270 € 7 days
2 workshops 300 € 14 days

The workshop price includes

  • participation in selected workshop(s)
  • accomodation at Camp free of charge
  • morning yoga training during your stay at Camp free of charge
  • everyday lunch
  • participation in evening programs at Camp at preferred prices
  • yoga mat

The price does not include

  • travel costs to the island of Vis
  • travel insurance
  • sleeping bag / sleeping pad

AppLicaTion DeTailS

The application form can be obtained by mail or on the link below.
Send a completed application form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We will send you all the information about transfer an advance payment.
The deadline for applications is 1st of August 2014 or until all workshops are full.

Application form

Important information

  • Upon booking the client must pay 40 EUR non-refundable deposit to secure a place at BESA Theatre camp.
  • The rest must be paid upon arrival in BESA Theatre camp.
  • Each workshop requires a certain minimum of participants to make it viable. If we do not get this number and we decide the workshop cannot go ahead, you will be refunded in full, including the deposit.
  • On making a booking with us, each person accepts the Terms and Conditions.

If you have a strong desire to participate in the camp, and you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact us. Maybe together we can find a solution.

If you wake up on 2nd of August and realize you have missed to book a place in the workshop, but still want to join us, CONTACT US!!!!

More information and contact

Mobile: +385.95.517.7577

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



All the participants, workshop leaders and staff of the BESA Theatre camp will be housed in a dormitory space in the Cultural Center in Vis.

Accommodation is arranged in the way everybody ensures the sleeping surface on their own (yoga mat, sleeping bag, air mattress).

As part of the BESA Theatre camp there is a kitchen where we cook our daily meals. You will have the option of using refrigerators and cookers for smaller need (coffee, tea).

Also as part of the BESA Theatre camp there are toilet facilities jointly used.

Book your place now.

In case you have some questions about accommodation, contact us.

In case you prefer your own privacy and would like to join the workshop but would like to have another type of accommodation, check ABOUT US AND VIS where you will find links to private accomodation and hotels in Vis.

Kontaktirajte nas

Kazalište BESA

Šetalište stare Isse 25, Vis, Hrvatska


mobitel: +385.95.517.7577


OIB: 27872315016

IBAN: HR7723400091110592001

Copyright © BESA / Sva prava pridržana